Motion Template Creator
Yo, I must have made over 100 of these templates! All of them went to Adobe online marketplace where a few of them became top sellers and even featured in Adobes style guide! I am really proud of all the templates I've made while working for Wavebreak Media.
Planning and creating these templates were at a fast pace so the research couldn't take too much time, I spent most of my time looking at online inspiration to create my next template.
For the MoGrts we had to create controls for all the templates, not sure if you've ever opened a MoGrt on Premier but there are a bunch of controls that change up the project. These were build in After Effects using expressions and effects.
Part of the problem was being limited by adding placeholders for media instead of being able to edit the actual media for the project.
This problem actually became a positive because it made me think of creative ways to enhance media that I couldn't even see yet. This makes you design with style in mind.